EnrichmentArtStudents at Cornerstone are exposed to the vast and exciting world of art through our art program. The art courses are designed to show God as the artful, ultimate Creator that He is. Students are taught about His works and encouraged to reflect on His wonderful creations, and thus be inspired to create wonderful artworks themselves.
Included in the art curriculum are various creative and challenging projects which teach student the formal elements (line, shape, form, texture, value and color) and principles (emphasis, balance, harmony variety, movement, rhythm, proportion, and unity) of art. With each project, students are exposed to biblical correlations, art history, art criticism and a wide selection of art mediums. In the art program, students also learn how art is relevant in their lives, how they can honor God through their creativity and how art can be used in other areas of their academic lives. MusicMusic at Cornerstone is an integral part of the curriculum and is designed to engage students in many opportunities for learning, experiencing, appreciating and performing music. From Kindergarten through Middle School, the basic elements of music (dynamics, tempo, pitch, harmony, melody, timbre, rhythm and beat) are infused into the music curriculum through activities, technology, games, movement, singing and instrument playing. Opportunities for performance in chorus, school wide events, applied lessons and ensembles are offered for students of all ages and are designed to celebrate each child’s uniqueness, guiding students to recognize and acknowledge his or her own identity in Christ. Physical EducationPE at Cornerstone is designed to build a foundation and appreciation for healthy living and to provide students with a variety of activities to stay mobile and fit. Through the study of movement and the care of our bodies student not only gain a basic understanding of the responsibility we have to maintain our overall well-being, but more importantly, they have the opportunity to honor God by sustaining His temple (our bodies).
World LanguageSpanish is taught as a second language for Kindergarten through 8th grade. A basic foundation for conversational and grammatical language is taught in combination with the Spanish culture.