Cornerstone FundCornerstone’s primary vehicles for supporting our mission are tuition dollars and fundraising. Tuition dollars only cover 93.3% of the school’s operating budget. Thus, annual support of the Cornerstone Fund bridges the gap between the total cost of operating the school and tuition revenue. The average gap per student amounts to $1168. The amount strictly needed from fundraising efforts equals $490 per student. Your support is critical to the school fulfilling our mission. GiftsCornerstone Annual Fund contributions enhance the educational opportunities available to our students through enrichment programs such as Music, Art, Foreign Language and Physical Education. The Annual Fund helps fund salaries, purchase equipment for the school, provide additional student programs, and assists in keeping yearly tuition fees low.
Giving LevelsGifts to the Cornerstone Annual Fund are an investment in the future leaders of tomorrow. Annually, Cornerstone receives gifts from parents, grandparents, relatives, alumni, faculty and staff, corporations and board members. The Annual Fund goal is always 100% participation. Every gift, no matter how large or how small, makes a difference. Historically, we have an extremely high rate of participation (average nearly 100% over the last five years). Full participation demonstrates a strong indication that our community is pleased with Cornerstone.
EmployerMatching gifts are an easy way to double your contribution to the school. Contact your employer to see if your company offers a matching gifts program and let us know!
GivingThe Cornerstone Annual Fund Drive ends June 30 of the selected school year. The majority of the gifts are received by December 31 or very early in the New Year. We currently only receive payment by check, cash or autopay through FACTS. Please mail to Cornerstone Christian Academy (ANNUAL FUND), 5295 Triangle Parkway, Peachtree Corners, GA 30092. |